Time For A Fresh Coat With Alexseal Topcoats

Lewis Marine Supply is proud to offer ALEXSEAL® premium Yacht topcoat marine paints. ALEXSEAL® topcoat paints utilize the latest advances in polyurethane technology along with state-of-the-art UV absorbers to achieve a durable surface while still attaining a high gloss finish.
Are you looking for that wet look? ALEXSEAL® Premium Topcoat 501 is a two component, polyurethane-based coating, designed for exterior and interior marine applications. It’s the perfect marine paint for the yacht industry.
ALEXSEAL® Premium marine Topcoat paint 501 is used as a[n extreme high-gloss topcoat in spray or brush applications. It can be used internally or externally in areas not subject to permanent water immersion.
Now in stock: Fig# 1ALX
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