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P. 269

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Nobody wou d ruotr-:e the perfect water pressure 4’
pump. tn .3: p(3r'ft':(;! world your (zxper iC?r‘u(f[:? on the 
water woL.|d be the same as oh iand Pressurxzeri :8

water at the clearreri temperafure wcn_nd be ‘ _\.*ij2r<}d shoniy after mrmng the faucet on arm I
there wouldn't be loud Lznoclmng and whimng

beéwnd the walls. It may not he a perfect wor3cL Addifionfl Bqngffls

but Jub:;<_t_1':; \/FLO vur:.,1b!:_e ‘How -Ahjatcér prLr3‘.;L1rr;1 '

V V 0 Conserve; power Motor power oraw matches
purrrps are the most mconspuitrous pumps vou _ ,
’ HEM/«J dC.‘man(,:
can b{‘y'.
0 Hugh c_apacrtj,r — gupp neg watev for up to 4 o.zt|ets

0 Rum; smooth and q.,nCI wIt'r~out water hamrhcr. 3i.nU|tc~,,«,E.C,d5|y

- C0r15:5IC-m w._%Ii3r’ ;:1rCSSLnC prcmr;ir..>3 a . 5g| (10 {pm ,1.” S-.L,C¢.0,, |‘.{-t)

-zomfoviabie shower with the proper mix of not .
0 Rum; Cr-_,r '.’\'iIhOLJ[ darnagc:
and cotd water ‘
0 Sm‘-4'; f:t prim flttmqs — for easy in:;t..-‘allation w th a
' ‘.‘Va‘ter ‘low adjust: L',]LJr'L1>1h.1 to rmgut you‘ dtrrrwarud . V . .
_ _ varrety of connectron pcsszbrlmes
wrth new anc; Improved next generation
_ 0 1ZV8< 24V DC modrgls a~.v'u;|;ao|r3
€3|C’Ct'OflIC Controls that decrease pump
'(}5;pOr1$::':‘1zr1\(:‘ ' Saves :’.pa:;e A e|irnm.5nte:25 a¢;(urrm4._-'rt:;:' 1arrk
Modal 3:33;‘ :13; g’g;,"([;,‘;_‘_"] 7='3§§§§'r'L° 5.12332
PSI (Bar) PSI (Bar)
42755 0002 12\.' Dr: 15:‘. sou-9;» «-10 :12 75:: :20:-:1:
 ":u:':»~i'n:  or ‘um; ~; 0 W?) rm :1: Ni: 5.-:1’: 1r: 1: "
.::3755.:_u'392 12'-.» or: TEA  u:_:urt4;» :35 .11 72:: 35 :3 :1: 
:15 V" 5‘; ‘1.|_""4  LJE, ' |L,'.C« '3 U 1 '13) ».-“.-u r1 ."L:"I 3'; 1.2’ -'13

........,..."...m a xylem brand
z~.,,~u..--r. -. 1.:-;m—..-w.--I IN‘-V|'rllr';1'I"7"Yl .- ....r.r-,r..v . . VF‘. V\‘,‘V‘.|'lIIl’V

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